

Pigmentation is caused by the over-production of melanin (natural skin pigment) and unprotected sun exposure, and appears on the face, neck and hands. This excessive darkening of the skin from its usual colour is common and may cause skin to look dull.

Superficial Pigment Spots (Lentigines)
These are flat, brown, epidermal lesions, with clearly defined edges. They typically appear on sun-exposed skin: face and neck, hands, forearms, and shoulders.

Melasma is is characterised by tan or brown patches on the forehead, cheeks, nose and upper brow. Age, combined with pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy and sun damage are thought to be contributory factors in the development of melasma.

Topical Treatment Of Lentigines & Melasma
Topical skin lighteners are used in combination with retinoids to reduce the degree of pigmentation.

As sun and light exposure are common reasons for the appearance of melasma, a broad spectrum mineral sunscreen containing Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide is essential, and should be used twice daily regardless of the weather.

There are clinical treatments available, and the options offered at Rexults Clinic are listed below.

Deep (Dermal Macules)
Typically, these are clusters of discreet black spots in the cheeks. They usually appear in females in the 20’s and 30’s and darken with each pregnancy. Topical whitening products do not reach these spots.

Treatment Options

  • Clarity Laser

    For Lentigines
    The Clarity Laser emits a gentle photothermal effect to deliver excellent results with minimum downtime. Several monthly treatments are recommended for best results.

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  • Pico Laser

    For Dermal Macules and Melasma
    This non-ablative laser emits focused laser light (in very short and rapid pulses: pico-seconds) that targets and disintegrates dark concentrations of melanin.

    The Pico Laser delivers predominantly photoacoustic (shockwaves) and very little photothermal(heat) energy, to selectively breakdown the pigment granules. There is minimal redness, and virtually no blistering nor bleeding.

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  • Copper Bromide Laser

    For Melasma
    The yellow light component of this laser reduces the underlying dermal vessels which result from UV damage and cause the overproduction of epidermal pigment.

    The green light component works directly on epidermal pigmentation.

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