
Radiowave Surgery

Radiowave surgery involves the passage of short radiowaves into the skin to remove a lesion.

Cystic acne is considered a serious condition that warrants surgical attention. This treatment will drain the infected sebum and vaporise the acne cyst wall in the upper dermis to prevent recurrence, with minimal thermal injury to the adjacent tissues.

The radiowave removal technique is also suitable for removing seborrhoeic keratoses, warts, fibromas and moles at the epidermal level.

For Treatment Of


60 min

What To Expect

A topical anaesthetic cream is applied prior to treatment. Large cystic acne will require local anaesthesia by injection. We also provide oral analgesia for pain reduction and an antihistamine to reduce swelling post surgery.

Patients will experience some pain and discomfort during the procedure which, for most, is tolerable. However, there is little pain after the procedure as there is minimal thermal damage.

The procedure is concluded with low-level light therapy (LLLT), where we use Yellow LED light for its therapeutic benefits of stimulating dermal blood flow to expedite the healing process.


Expect minor swelling, redness, bruising and tenderness in the area for up to 7 days as the skin heals. There should not, however, be any bleeding due to the tissue coagulation during treatment.

When the scabs fall off, the skin is usually slightly darker resulting in uneven skin tone. This is part of the normal healing process and colour balancing with the surrounding skin will resolve in up to 8 weeks.

Prior to treatment, all potential risks and side effects will be discussed with you by our doctor and patient care counsellors.